Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits


Ukrainian Seed Partnership Association was created in February 2011 and brought together under "one roof" over fifty largest companies in seed and seedling industry in Ukraine.
The main purpose of Association is to unite all participants of the seed and seedling market of Ukraine for its effective, transparent and predictable industry operation.
Joining the Ukrainian Seed Partnership Association gives an opportunity
• to be presented more effectively on the national and international seed markets;
• to receive methodological and legal pieces of advice;
• to participate in formation of the regulatory and legal framework in the field of seed production and seedling;
• to have access to information of the seed market conditions analysis in Ukraine and the basic tendencies of development of industry; analysis of the conditions of the seed market in Ukraine and the main industry trends;
• to hold collective decisions;
• to raise professional level of representatives in Association;
• to offer and to receive modern scientific developments in seed production industry.
The association cooperates with Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Ukraine and its subordinate institutions, scientific establishments, foreign and international organizations, in particular International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), French Association for Seeds and Seedlings (GNIS) Dutch association of manufacturers «Greenery» and others. This year in June Ukrainian Seed Partnership Association received observer status in International Seed Federation (ISF) and it gives it a chance to become its full member in a year. International Seed Federation organizes annual international congresses which bring together up to 1,500 seed producers. Their participants share experience, solve common problems, make decisions. In the near future we are also planning to join the European Seed Association funded by the European Council, so our members will have a real chance to get grants for development and introduction of new technologies.
Our objectives (tasks):
• to protect domestic producers of seeds and planting material;
• to provide dialogue with the authorities;
• to create conditions for effective economic management;
• to facilitate an access to international markets
• to revive scientists and agrarians tandem;
• to protect native selection and intellectual property;